The Stanford researchers found that 38% of conventional produce tested in the studies contained detectable pesticide residue, compared with just 7% of organic produce. (Organic produce can still be contaminated by nearby conventional fields.) A couple of studies the researchers analysed showed that children who ate organic produce had fewer pesticide traces in their urine.
A 2010 study found a close correlation between the amount of a certain pesticide present in children’s urine and the severity of their ADHD. Kids with any detectable level of pesticides in their urine were twice as likely as kids with undetectable levels to have symptoms of a learning disorder, and prenatal exposure to pesticides can harm children’s brain formation and lead to lower I.Q.s.
Thus, pick and choose your produce carefully. Some produce contain higher levels of pesticide than others, making it more worthwhile to pay for organic.
People may be exposed to EDCs through food and beverages consumed, pesticides applied, and cosmetics used. Toxins can also be found in everyday products e.g. hand soap, shampoos that contain sodium lauryl or laureth sulfate, triclosan, triethanolamine (TEA) and parabens. Parabens are known as xenoestrogens and can mimic estrogen in the body, increasing the likelihood of early puberty.
In essence, your contact with these chemicals may occur through diet, air, skin, and water. EDCs may cause attention deficit in children, lower immune response and early onset of puberty in children.
So try to go green, go organic and chemical-free.
Selecting the right foods is about quality, and we don’t mean the packaging, brand or pricing. We’re talking about nutritional quality. White rice and bread contain mainly carbohydrates, a nutrient which is the main supply of energy (fuel or calories) for our bodies, muscles and brain. That is because these have been refined and stripped of other nutrients these grains once contained. But taking too much of these may increase blood sugar too rapidly and even contribute to excess body fats, especially if diabetic or physically inactive.
The better quality “carbohydrate foods” are whole grains, such as brown rice, wholewheat pasta, brown rice vermicelli, wholegrain bread and oats. Minimal refining is done, which means these contain a variety of nutrients including Vitamin E, Vitamin B, mono- and polyunsaturated fats (i.e. “better” fats”, as compared to saturated), and fibre.
Even better is basmati rice which is also long grain, meaning there is less surface area and takes more time to break down into carbohydrates and later blood sugar. In other words, basmati rice has a lower (medium) GI, as compared to the high GI white rice. Brown rice is also a high GI food, although it does contain better quality nutrients.
Curious? Try out our premium quality and highly nutritious basmati rice or oats today, and swap for a healthier diet!